Back in the mid 80s, the first 4 Dinosaur Shows aired several times on KABC-TV in Los Angeles, and Gary and Eric became the "Dino Guys" in Southern California. As we were starting production on "Son of Dinosaurs", "Knott's Berry Farm" announced they were opening the "Kingdom of the Dinosaurs" ride.
So, guess who became the hosts of the ride's opening day ceremonies at Knott's...
Gary and Eric were among the first to enjoy the ride that day.
We came back another day to more carefully shoot the ride. As you can see from this raw footage, things started to get a little silly after a few trips through it.
Over at Dinosaur Theatre, there is also a clip of the camera's POV going through the ride if you want to see more of the now extinct "Kingdom of The Dinosaurs".
Monday, September 17, 2012
Here's a clip of Eric at the first ever Jurassic Con. We enjoyed it so much we are going to attend the second one October 13th at the Cooper Center in Orange County, CA.